Hello, I'm Paul and I love my music, just as you love yours. It is so satisfying to pick up an instrument and play your heart out. 

To be honest, it is a thrill at first just to get a noise out of it. And a biggerthrill when it starts to sound good to you. And again, when it starts to sound good to other people and you can join others playing my favourites, and then, even better, your favourites.

It's satisfying and it's fun...even thrilling.

In these pages I will load more information and resources to amuse and educate. 

Best wishes, Paul.


Dear friends, the chemo damage incurred over two years ago has improved greatly and I have resumed flute and saxophone performance. 

Bassoon and clarinet are sure to follow, much to my great pleasure.

Meanwhile, I am teaching all instruments as well as singing in a choir and music examining. On Thursdays I play table tennis and sing in a choir ... "ping pong and sing song".

I am delighted to tell you I am now the flute tutor at Erasmus Primary School in Hawthorn. It is a lovely school and I have been made to feel very welcome. What's more, and can you believe this? - it has the same motto "Luceat lux vestra", as my old high school. Let your light shine indeed, and in my talks (3 last year and 4 this year) at a certain church, I have quoted this motto as one of my three favourites.

Some folk think it strange that an alumnus of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Sydney Opera House Orchestra, chamber musician, teacher and examiner, founder of Paul Williams and his Elastic Band should be teaching in this capacity, but I assure you that I value this work and its educational aims most highly. 

Watch this space, dear friends - 

FLUTE:   The silvery, supple flute sings like a bird and looks elegant as it soars in the high register, balanced by its exotic low register. It is a leading voice in bands and orchestras with a technique which is not overly demanding.

CLARINET:   The clarinet has a wide range and springs from a woody low register to the smooth, expressive purity of the upper register. It uses a reed and requires a little more muscle to play.  

SAXOPHONE:   The saxophone is closely related to the clarinet and those who do well on clarinet usually make a smooth transition to the golden saxophone. It is versatile from classics to smooth jazz, soul and rockabilly.

BASSOON:   This fascinating instrument is the "soul of the tree" and its dark low register is satisfying and effective. At the same time, it is a superb orchestral melodist, creating a wide range of colours in its three and a half octaves.

 RECORDER:   The humble recorder has enjoyed a deserved resurgence in recent years, and offers joys and delights undreamt of in previous generations. With correct fingering and modern teaching aids, it is a delight.